Do you remember our photos at the “No Bullying meeting” Piazza San Carlo, in Turin last year?
This year our Institute has been chosen to join a project against bullying to solve conflicts at school.
12 Italian Institutions will have their students taking part in a meeting in Rome at the Authority of Children and Teenagers and in Turin to train and discuss the topic: “Dallo scontro all’Incontro: mediando si impara” (We learn when we cooperate).
Our school held a training course for teachers and students in cooperation with the MIUR, “Gruppo Noi” Association and the National Cinema Museum titled: “Al cinema contro il Bullismo” (at the cinema against Bullying) with a final event on 7th February with a flashmob in front of the Mole Antonelliana (Cinema Museum in Turin).
download the guide for students (in Italian)
Moreover from 6th to 8th February all students of our Secondary school answered a questionnaire on line : “My life at School” (Questionnaire not available anymore)
Its aim is to understand their relationships at school in order to improve communication and face conflict in a better way.
The form was anonymous, but teachers and coordinators will find useful information about their students’ approach and social life at school.