A book by 3rd grade Download the ebook

A book by 3rd grade Download the ebook
Tre program of Turin mobility is now available on the page of the meeting
Do you remember our photos at the “No Bullying meeting” Piazza San Carlo, in Turin last year? This year our Institute has been chosen to join a project against bullying […]
Here is 6 videos in Danish from 3rd grade at Provstegårdskolen in Odense. They made them all by themselves. Its about internet safety and how not to act on the net […]
Think about what kind of picture you send about yourself and others… Never send nudes, don’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know, don’t bully on the Internet…
We wish all our European Digital Partner Schools in ‘A Digital Journey in Europe Project’ and their families a very ‘Happy and Peaceful Christmas’ From all in Saint Mark’s SNS
Studying is not easy. DIFI helps students of 3F class of Tommaseo school to solve school problems… View the lesson “We have a problem DIFI” on:
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