The first intellectual output of the project, Teaching with technology, Guidelines of Best Practice, is now online. The guidelines give teachers an introduction to the use of educational technologies by showcasing […]

The first intellectual output of the project, Teaching with technology, Guidelines of Best Practice, is now online. The guidelines give teachers an introduction to the use of educational technologies by showcasing […]
The third intellectual output of the project, Parental Involvement in Schooling, is now available for download. It was agreed from the beginning of the project that we would pay special attention […]
Everything is ready for the final event of our digital journey The final meeting and the multiplier event are taking place tomorrow at Maynooth University in Ireland Download the complete […]
The cookery e-book is a presentation of the activity Cookery book and it contains a selection of recipes The epub was made with the software PubCoder by Diletta Goglia as an […]
Søhusskolen presents one tutorial with Difi and a few videos about internet safety: sharing photos and videos on the internet
Caduti di Cefalonia school presents a project made with Meschola, the digital storytelling platform by Polytechnic of Turin presented during the eighth transnational meeting in Turin held in February 2018
Read more about the platform on (in Italian)
An example of collaborative learning from Toniolo school in Pisa. Students read a book in Italian, they write a review then translate it in English on Chromebook and share […]
DIFI and the olympic champion at Caduti di Cefalonia school Watch the story on Animoto
New contents on safe use of social media have been realized by St. Mark’s sns students. View theme on the related post
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