- A.TOM.I onlus, a voluntary organisation dedicated to the inclusion of students with special educational needs through the introduction of technologies in schools
www.atomiscuola.org - Barnardos, a voluntary organisation dedicated to the protection of children
www.barnardos.org.uk - eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe
www.etwinning.net - Ins@fe, a network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs) across Europe – typically comprising an awareness centre, helpline, hotline and youth panel
www.betterinternetforkids.eu - Museo Nazionale del Cinema – EDUC.a educational department
www.museocinema.it/educa - Pisa CoderDojo – volunteer-led community of free programming clubs for young people
pisa.coderdojo.it - Polizia Postale, Polizia di Stato italiana for “Una Vita da Social” project
www.poliziadistato.it/articolo/37189 - Webwise, the Irish Internet Safety Awareness Centre
www.webwise.ie - Wister, Women for Intelligent and Smart Territories