Using ICT in education
Kahoot is a free online digital platform which can be used by schools to make learning fun, engaging and inclusive in all contexts. It is a quiz-based platform in which students score points based on the speed at which they can answer multiple choice questions correctly. It is suitable for students of all ages as the questions can be edited to make them easier or more difficult. Teachers can also create their own Kahoot quizzes which means the content of the quiz can be tailored to the exact needs of the class. Kahoot can be used as an Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning tool in a broad range of curricular subjects. After each quiz, the results of each students are available to the teacher which enables him/her to identify the areas where the students have strong content knowledge and areas where a deficit may exist, thus informing their future planning. Furthermore, the students are intrinsically motivated to succeed and participate enthusiastically.
How the activity worked in the classroom?
The outcome from undertaking a Kahoot activity is that the teacher has a greater awareness of each student’s knowledge of the content included in the quiz. If teachers wish, they can see exactly which questions each students got wrong to identify their strengths and areas that need development. A significant benefit is the enjoyment and motivation which students derive from completing Kahoot activities. Furthermore, Kahoot is a very flexible platform. New Kahoots can be created; existed Kahoots can be used or adjusted when necessary. These quizzes can be shared with colleagues, thus facilitating greater collaboration.
One limitation with Kahoot is that while teachers can create accounts, there is currently no facility for a class to be added to the teacher’s account i.e. unlike Mathletics/Reading Eggs, there is no profile created for the children in the class where their results are recorded, collated and stored for record-keeping. Children can create their own accounts but this is primarily to enable them to create their own quizzes.
What technology can be used and are the alternatives?
Depending on the technology available, Kahoot can be accessed by teachers using Desktop, tablet or mobile devices. The students access the website on their desktop computer and Kahoot is also available in App form and can be utilised in classrooms via iPads.