Højby Skole, Denmark

The school is situated in the southern part of Odense. Our school is a dual-track school with 387 students from kindergarten to class 9. The staff consists of 28 teachers, 11 pedagogues, two deputies and a principal.
Throughout primary school all classes are assigned a pedagogue in addition to the heads of class who are traditionally the math and Danish teachers. This is to support both the professional and social learning processes. During secondary school the pedagogues function is to support the social activities, physical activity, and help with the creative
subjects such as design and shop class.
In Denmark the Department of Educations has decided to name classes 0-6 primary school and the classes 7-9 secondary. The students in primary school are 5-12 years old and the students in secondary 13-16 years old. Because Højby Skole is divided into three departments we will hereafter refer to classes 0-3 as primary, classes 4-6 as lower secondary and lastly classes 7-9 as secondary.
There has been a school in Højby for 277 years. The first school was build in 1740. Back then it was situated right next to the church. As the town grew bigger the need for a larger school increased and the school moved to the other side of the road, where it has expanded throughout the years.
The latest extension to the school was in 1980. This addition meant that Højby Skole to this day is one of the schools in the municipality with the most squaremeters pr student, inside as well as outside.
Only last year we had our creative house modernised with new facilities for craft shop class, design and arts.
The school is divided into three sections, we call them “houses”. We have the “West-house”, where our kindergarten and primary school students reside. The “East-house” is for the lower secondary students and lastly the “North-house” is where the upper secondary students belong.
In secondary school we primarily focus on the use of project management tools which make collaboration easy, more advanced presentations tools and other digital resources that can help to enhance the students development.
We have been first movers in Odense on using resources like Geogebra, Scratch, computergames and blogs as a mean of reflection. We have participated in various national and international projects that involved the use of ICT during the past 15 years.
We firmly believe that our focus on early intervention and attention to the students relations and actions on the social media is significant to the students ability to take care of themselves and their peers, when they interact online. We expect them to have a reflected and critical approach to the information they encounter on the internet and that they are able to corporate digitally, not only by working in the same document but also by planning by using digital resources and thereby: set individual goals, plan, complete and evaluate on any given task.

People involved in the project

The school


School website



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