Using ICT in education

Developing Literacy with Reading Eggs

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Reading Eggs is a subscription-based online digital literacy platform. It is aimed at developing the literacy skills of children aged from 2-13 years and is available in Reading Eggs Junior (2-4 years), Reading Eggs (4-7 years) and Reading Eggs Express (7-13 years). Reading Eggs is popular in school in the United Kingdom and Ireland, the examples presented here are from St. Marks SNS, where Reading Eggs is used with children in 3rd and 4th classes (ages 8-10 years).

What was the purpose of the activity?

Reading Eggs covers a broad range of literacy skills including phonics, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension tasks. There is also an online library available for children to choose reading material of their preference from. Students complete a placement test when beginning Reading Eggs which determines what level the child will begin reading at. Through the completion of comprehension tasks, quizzes and games, children progress through various levels earning ‘eggs’ which can then be spent on upgrades/enhancements for their online avatar.

How the activity worked in the classroom?

The student’s literacy has improved through their use of Reading Eggs. The platform aids differentiation in that children are all working at a level appropriate to their individual needs. Students thoroughly enjoy completing the tasks and are motivated to succeed by the prospect of earning eggs which they can spend on upgrades. Furthermore, children can visibly see their progress as they progress from level to level on the game-map. The activities undertaken by each child and their rate of progress is visible to teachers when logged in to their accounts. In addition, the platform exposes children to various elements of literacy and a variety of writing genres, thus developing a broad range of skills. Reading Eggs can be used in school and at home as the students have accounts they can log into.

Reading Eggs is an effective resource when used to supplement the work that teachers are doing in their classes.

How to develop the technology skills?

Teachers learned how to use Reading Eggs mainly from each other in professional conversations and with some of the built-in help material.

What technology can be used?

Students can access Reading Eggs using a Desktop, tablet or mobile device. In St. Mark’s, the teacher primarily uses Reading Eggs with my class in the computer room (desktop) and in my classroom (iPads). Reading Eggs is available in app form also.